It's all about TRUTH.

Location is determined by position
Evidence will vary by location.
Facts will change according to evidence.
But TRUTH is unchanging.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The "Queen's English" --and the word I'd like stricken from the vocabulary of humans everywhere.

Honestly, I never thought I would join the movement to get a word banned.  There are words I do not use, out of respect for others, or because I do not agree with the usage.  PERIOD.
Oh, there are a lot of words I don't like because the meanings have changed and have become objectionable.  Gay is one of those.  Silly at one time meant "happy," not funny or foolish.
In Britain, fags are just that -- fags.  Cigarettes. 

We pick up or mannerisms from those with whom we associate.  Some words are now used as slang (Gay, Pervert, Fag.)  You can use putz, dickhead, "pussy" is in common use (even though it now vastly altered from the original meaning of cat.)  And let's not forget Dick, Johnson and Meat.

Some words have been borrowed from other languages.  Squaw, for one.  I've never used it.  I know the meaning, but I find that words like girl, maiden, lady or woman are sufficient.

This brings me to the "Queen's English."  From time to time, certain words and phrases that are uttered by the common people are picked up... and ultimately discarded.  Example include "Shock and awe", "Awesome", "Bae" -- Well, I Hope she's never uttered that last one. 

Cassius Clay (AKA Mohammed Ali) once said, "I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."
It's the same with words.  The can float, eloquent, lacy and delicate.  They can be crude and crass.  Or they can sting, injure.  And in the case of bullying, they can kill.

This brings me to the word I want removed from the English Language.  Nay, from EVERY LANGUAGE that has such a concept.  And not really just one word, but its variants.

Allow me to describe the word and what is wrong.  I won't give the word until later.

The word was based on a concept which was largely accepted in the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries.
Most of the Civilized word has vanquished the concept from practice.  Not all.  But most.  The UK, the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, most of Asia (exception is India, and they are working toward it.)
Australia. Not so sure about Africa, but I don't get much info on that continent.

The word if often improperly used.  It has become profane.  It has become perverted.  It's an easy insult, kind of like "N****r."  Honestly, I'm not sure people even know what it means, anymore.
It's sloughed off on anyone who disagrees.  If you so much as say a word that sounds like another, you're labeled.  If you so much as accidentally associate with someone in specific groups, or live next to one, you're labeled.  Proclaimed guilty without a trial.  Ostracized. 

OK.  You've got the idea.  Now, what's the word?

You don't like people from Germany?  That is not racism.  That may be xenophobia.  Or you may have specific reasons you don't like them. Maybe you lost family in a concentration camp in WWII.
Or do you not like the possibility that they are speaking of you in another language? 

You don't like people from Mexico?  That's NOT racism.  It may be Xenophobia.  You may not like the idea of people speaking about you in Spanish -- when you don't understand it.  Or you may have had encounters with gangs from there or gangs made up of Hispanics. 

You don't like blacks?  Did you have a run-in with someone who grabbed your money?  Shot you?
Killed your family?  Your experiences are going to affect your view.  This is prejudice, not racism.
You don't want a Muslim next door?  You think they'll kill your dog, accuse you of being hateful?
That isn't racism.  It may be Xenophobia if they're from another country or culture.  But Muslims are NOT a race.   Haven't you noticed?  Skin-tone has NOTHING to do with this group.  Not a D*** thing!

The old method of identifying race had 3 races:  Black, Mongoloid, and White.  Jews are considered a race, all connected, somehow, by Abraham.  And to use the term "Indian" -- they are also considered a race.

Honestly, we need to stop look at each other as "races".  We need to realize we're a Species...Human.
Or Humanoid, as you prefer.  Homo Sapiens.  THIS is what we are.

Stop trying to find racism in everything.  Because if you look, you WILL find it, whether or not it is actually there.

Screaming "RACISM" just increases my resolve to ban the word. 
If you can't find good, you have serious problems.
If all you can do is call somebody racist, you have a VERY WEAK ARGUMENT.
And that's the case...AS I SEE IT.

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