It's all about TRUTH.

Location is determined by position
Evidence will vary by location.
Facts will change according to evidence.
But TRUTH is unchanging.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The end of the campaign

As the last days wind down in the 2012 campaign, I look back and say "HELL, YEAH." 

It's been horrible.  Attack ads, lies, BS, non-issues being made issues and issues being turned int "RACIST" comments... I tell you, the whole thing is just 100% BS!

Early voting has been going on for a while in some states, other states do not utilize it.  A large storm hits NY and areas of the East Coast, and this will disrupt some voting, I'm sure.

But today, shortly before noon -- I went off to excercise my right to vote.  I gave 'em my ID, told 'em all was current.  Then I got a 2 page ballot (4 sides!) and walked off to the table.

There were "Supposedly" supposed to be Black Panthers and UN observers.  Well, this area had no UN Observers.  And if there were Black Panthers, they've started recruit people in their late 60s, or early 70s.  I noted 4 people of color.  That's it.  There were no lines at my voting station (2 people, maybe 3) but this is a relatively quiet area.  Not a lot of people.  Interesting, for a state that has nearly 19 Million!

I looked over the Constitutional Amendments proposed for Florida.  Some got a "YES."  Others got a "NO."  There were no opponents for the State Supreme court justices...It's just asked "Shall we retain them." 

Sheriff -- one withdrew, a different person was named.  To vote for that person, vote for the one who withdrew.  OK.

Mack vs. Nelson.  I'm not saying how I went.  Mack houses the beliefs I epouse.  Nelson helped me get through to a place I couldn't reach. It was a tough call.

Bruno or Nugent?  (No, not Ted Nugent).  Bruno is a tax raiser. 

The others?  Well...if you know me, you'll know that the way I identify is the way I vote...usually.  I can tell you of some times I voted differently.  1980.  1986.  1992.  1998,  2006. 

This sums it up:



My voting's done: Campaign's not over,

but it will soon be past.

But the battle will rage on --

Until He who laughs, laughs last!

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